Thursday, November 21, 2013

Trying to get back to normal

Another week of recovery. Dirk has an appointment next week at the BMT on Tuesday.

He is dealing with nausea but is just pushing forward. Today was a good day.
He's been trying to increase his work time at home.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

One Week Later

Here we are at the BMT Clinic. Another visit in a week and the next visit will be in 100 days . They are checking blood counts and will be removing the central line today if everything looks good.

So everything looks good so we are waiting for Dirk's turn to have the Central Line removed . His head was cold so he is taking a snooze with his hat on.

We received a lot of good information today. The BMT team are amazing.

Dirk is hanging in there. His energy level is low and muscle strength is poor but he keeps going one step at a time.

Good news is Dirk's computer was re
paired so he was able to do some work from home.

It's been a week of rest, dealing with nausea, little bit of church work, and even a matinee movie, Saratov,(that was an excellent movie)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hard to Hold a Good Man Down

Today Dirk started his day with a 7:00 AM meeting. I saw him at sacrament meeting then he didn't come home till around 3:30 PM. Pretty amazing considering he just came home Thursday afternoon.

Tomorrow afternoon Dirk meets with a heart dr. If all goes well with the blood results, on Thursday Dirk will have his central line pulled and meet a final time at the BMT clinic. That was fast! The cancer dr. will take the reins after all that! Whew! That was a lot to take in!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

No Place Like Home

Dirk came home late Thursday afternoon. You know he was glad to be out of the hospital when the first thing he wanted to do is go shopping. We went to Deseret Book and Office Max. It was so fun to shop with him. Prior to his hospital, stay shopping together was rare.

It is so wonderful to have Dirk home. He's thankful to sleep in his own bed.

Friday didn't start out too well. We were getting his meds organized and he was preparing to do some work from home. He had his lap top on the kitchen table and unfortunately a glass of water spilled on it. That ended any attempt to work (quite frustrating!!)

We ended up taking his lap top into his work to see if they could fix it. On the way home, we visited with Mom Campbell. She was thrilled to see Dirk looking so good and looking so happy.

Dirk seems like he's having a lot of trouble with his stomach today. He patiently endures.

We went up to Mom and Dad Horton's. Dirk looked at Dad's computer. He is doing some work for him.
Dirk also spent some time working on church work.

I went through papers and spent some time getting the yard winterized: cut both lawns, raked leaves, put tools, hoses, bikes, and the wheel barrel in the shed. Feels good to be ready for the season change.

Taylor Higbee and Camille and Terry Smith stopped by for visits. Camille and Terry brought Dirk a U.of U. stocking hat. Dirk was actually listening to the game when they came by (too bad Utah lost by 1 point to a team that wasn't that good!)

Dirk is planning on going to church tomorrow. He has great faith.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oh Happy Day!

Today is a wonderful day! We are just waiting for the pharmacist to talk to us and his central line cleaned and then we'll be headed home!! Dirk had a text book experience with his stem cell gathering, chemo, transplant, and transfusions.

Thanks to family and ward family for your faith and prayers.

Dirk will continue his healing at home. He will need to take great care not to be around people who are sick and have lots of hand washing. He is looking forward to the comforts of home.

Doesn't Dirk look handsome in his new hat!? Thanks, Ashman family!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

On hold

Waiting for 500. Dirk has had a little more nausea the last couple of days. (Part of the experience)

Mom and Dad Horton, Connie and Robert, and Brian Thaxton came by for a visit. Dirk's even been doing a little work in the hospital.

I can hardly wait to get Dirk home!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hundred to go

Good day for neutrophil! Count is 400. Looks like Dirk should be headed home in the next day or so.

Quite an amazing path of gathering . Chemo, transplant, and recovery.
Dirk is being watched over.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Status Quo

The numbers are the same as yesterday. Dirk needs 500 Neutropfils before he can go home. That's the count of a type of white blood cell that fights infection. His current count us 200.

Anna, Sueann, Mom and Dad Horton all stopped  by to visit .

Dirk is receiving wonderful care . He is really being blessed.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Getting Close

Counts are going up! Dr. said might be going home Tues. or Weds.

Dirk enjoyed visits with family. Nathan came into town for a visit.  President Brown and Debbie came for a visit tonight.

Great day! Dirk looks pretty dapper in his new hat! Thanks, Ashman Family!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


So yesterday Dirk had 2 red blood cell transfusions. The Dr.'s and staff are happy with his progress.

He had a nice visit with Bryon Goodwin. He brought pizza and Italian soda. 
The lunch was a welcome change.

We also had our carpets cleaned to get ready for Dirk's coming home. Thanks Jared for making the arrangements .

Today Dirk was told that his white blood cell count is slightly up. This is good news!!!

Eryn and Barry Fitch came to visit and brought Dirk a yummy sandwich today.
Thanks for sharing your Saturday with Dirk.

Tonight Nathan is flying in to visit with Dirk . We have a pretty awesome family and friends!

Dirk is really being blessed.