Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Day With The Lung Doctor

7:07 AM
Filling out more papers Dirk's favorite thing to do. This morning they will be taking fluid off his lungs and then they will scope the inside of his lungs to determine what is going on. Thankful they are trying to get all the information regarding his health before they start the stem cell transplant.

8:50 AM
Just met the lung specialist. We feel confident Dirk is in good hands. Today they will possibly biopsy the lung and look for a slow growing infection that could be the cause of the fluid on his lungs. The amyloid could be the cause.

This being said they might have to seal the lining to the lung. This would be surgery that would require hospital stay one to three days. Dirk has a great attitude. 

11:00 AM
Just dropped Dirk off to work. The constant in life is change. That seems to be true with Drs. and health issues. No internal biopsy of the lung. We call tomorrow after 2 pm to hear the results. Enjoy the journey!


  1. So glad for the update. Anxiously waiting to hear how how it goes.

  2. Thanks for the updates. It's kind of a dream to have all of this happening, however, it is very comforting to know that pops is in good hands and even more so knowing how conscious the Lord is our stellar POPS. I am very anxious for the next couple of weeks/months. We are with you ma and pa. Every step of the way.

  3. It's comforting to know Heavenly Father knows our needs even before we ask. Thanks for your love, faith and prayers. Love you
